Cool Text: Logo and Graphics Generator

Monday, January 24, 2011


Ok, i thought id give the answer for my Site Hunt so here it is!

They are YOU plus 03 @ NINE. - U+03A9 => Omega symbol on Character Map

If you are a computer geek, Accessories and System Tools are your friend.- Character Map

A map to find the Greek end. - Last letter of Greek Alphabet (Omega)

The unit of Electrical Resistance and its inverse, mho.

- Ohm(Ω) (Omega)

Combine the symbol with that of electricity unit,-Watt + Omega

A million of them would do.- A million watts (Megawatt)

And you will find the inventor,- James Watt

who played with kettles and trains alike.

The pool of human knowledge,- Wikipedia

Which a famed, but needy, website possess,

Can lift you up to the donation it has.- Wikipedia needs donations!!
It has a sister too, - Sister Project
With a website of her own.
The Species of the world enrolled in this project.-Wikispecies!!!!
Can you tell me the site of this project?

So duh... it's WIKISPECIES!!!

That was the answer to Puzzle 1...

Now for what's on my mind:




Game 1:

If you connect 11 gears together in a circle...


   o     o

 o        o

   o    o


Like that.. Can the whole set of gears rotate simultaneously?

Game 2:

The fuse in your house has blown. Thus, rendering yourself in complete darkness in your room. Your feet are cold. You need to warm them up at any cost. There are lots of socks in your drawer. You have 88 red socks, 120 blue socks, 12 green socks, 2 white socks, 512 yellow socks and 32 black socks.

How many socks do you need to take out to be sure that you have one pair? (And no you can't go in your Mercedes and turn on the car light or flashlight)

Game 3:

After you find your socks you need some light. You have a matchstick box but they stay lit for only one second each (You can't burn the whole matchbox without burning yourself up). You have a fireplace ready, a lantern and a candle. Which object would you light first?


Now don't be smart and ask why couldn't you light the object first.

Sunday, January 23, 2011

Puzzle 2

Sorry Guys!!!

It's been so long since my last post...(Ok ALREADY!!! I FORGOT MY PASSWORD!!!)
But I still have'nt rusted yet...
This post has a lot of cLUES if you can see them...(i.e. If you can read English)

L1:Chess's No.1 Indian Grandmaster rhymes calling a kitty (HERE, kitty, kitty, kitty) with a fish...

L2:Now don't get me wrong but he REALLY LiKeS SPEAKERS and electronics

L3:The sun always has a sunny side up... but that's not the only one(Like Dr.Suess's Ham and some other thing i can't remember!!!)

CLUE 1: He doesn't like speakers and electronics (i was kidding ; pay attention 2 line 2)

CLUE 2:It's always what matters inside a thing and not outside( still pay attention 2 line 2)

CLUE 3: L3 has nothing to do with The Cat in The Hat( now line 3)

And you should get what catchy phrase i always use with anyone's name!!!

PS: The answer to the last puzzle was Wikispecies!!

Friday, December 31, 2010


New Year's Eve! Friday!

Okay, if you got yesterday's clue then you know whats coming.
You must find the two scythes that make a symbol.

The are YOU plus 03 @ NINE.

If you are a computer geek, Accessories and System Tools are your friend.

A map to find the Greek end.

The unit of Electrical Resistance and its inverse, mho.

Combine the symbol with that of electricity unit,

A million of them would do.

And you will find the inventor,

who played with kettles and trains alike.

The pool of human knowledge,

Which a famed, but needy, website possess,

Can lift you up to the donation it has.

It has a sister too,

With a website of her own.

The Species of the world enrolled in this project.

Can you tell me the site of this project?


1:: Percy Jackson has something to do with The Last Olympian, especially the Minotaur.

2:: A History lesson would be nice, especially about the Industrial Revolution.

3:: Who was Larry Bird's SANGER?

Wednesday, December 29, 2010


1st Post

     Wel-, it's about time I started a blog... Anyway, this blog has lots of codes and many clues for you to find. You might have noticed the first one already! Every Friday there will be a Site Hunt and every Monday there will be a Symbol Hunt. A site hunt is like a treasure hunt. I give you clues and you have to find the site. You may answer by commenting. If you comment an answer that you think is right you must put a *() before it. If you already see a *() then don't get your hopes up! It may be wrong! Here are some co-ordinates for you to crack. If you're smart enough, it won't all be greek to you!
4-2, 8-1(2), 6-1*5, 1-12, 5-12

If you see a star it means it twinkles and disappears,
If you see 2 then 2+2 equals a fish,
If you see tuna sandwich that means only afterwards you must count.
So cross your volts and Ohm your current and you will certainly bounce!

(This is actually a giveaway...)
The x-axis co-ordinates mean the line from the bottom.
So 3-5 would be line no.3 from the bottom and word 5 from the left.